More than 130 programs on Anhdv Boot are divided into two groups: a group for WinPE and DOS. It also supports Linux booting and virus scanning from USB/HDD boxes. In particular, support for integrating Windows 7, 8, and 10 installers into Anhdv Boot. Extension packs for Linux, antivirus, and Windows installers.
Good hardware compatibility, high stability, and ease of use with Help on Desktop WinPE.
Supports old computers using DDRAM II for new generation computers Intel Gen 11, 12.
Automatically connect to Wi-Fi (when creating a 1-click download on a computer connected to Wi-Fi).
Remote control support: Teamviewer, Anydesk, AweSun.
Crack the password of a computer joining a domain or a computer signed in to a Microsoft account.
Support for unlocking and disabling Bitlocker on WinPE (password or recovery key required)
Screen scaling ratio for 2k, 4k, and 5k high-resolution screens.
Support for easy installation of Pass Windows 11 using the Windows Installer.
Quickly run the software on Windows. It's effortless to edit the software.